Vijesh Khetia

Hari Aum

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Ghraha Shanti is a pooja in respect to the nine planets. This pooja is followed by the Graha Shanti Yagya (Havan) which is combined for all the nine planets and is being divided into nine parts. The Navgraha Shanti Yagya Havan is considered to be very beneficial and useful yagya, because the Yagya strengthens the beneficial planets and increases the positive influence and minimizes the negative influence of the bad planets by neutralizing their effect. The Yagya being done for the Graha Shanti is being recommended to everyone and particularly for those whose planets have malefic effect on the horoscope.

The Graha Shanti yagya is recommended to perform every year to ensure that the maximum advantage is being achieved from the planets. It is recommended that everyone should keep their planets please, in order to attain peace and prosperity of ones life. The Yagya being performed for nine planets should be performed with full faith to ward off all the evils of planetary configuration. The nine planets in the individual horoscope control the karma, desires and all the outcomes. Finally this Yagna gives complete peace of mind. Om Shanti...

Ghraha Shanti - Yagna

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